Easy Like Sunday Morning Anxiety

Sunday Morning Anxiety

Looming Possibilities: Plan rest of life, look through family photos from the 70’s (again), go to the French movie alone, sit in the dark, eat popcorn, check out. Stay in, read, write, watch, snack, avoid. Hope it rains so I don’t feel so bad hiding out inside = all day cozy.

Gnawing shoulds: go to beach & be in nature (experience traffic, parking issues, burnt tourists with kids, basal cell carcinoma), go to mom’s & be a person who is conducting a friendly, pleasant visit (experience general irritability and compound anxiety upon entering driveway). Make amends to people I really do like and care about for having not called or returned a call (experience the need to procrastinate so as not to be on phone all day to make up for lost time). Read about cures for Sunday anxiety.

Annoying musts: food shop (parking lot situation, disturbing lighting, cost prohibitive). Prep son’s lunches (as in preparation that he will again throw it away). Borrow ladder from weird neighbor to change ceiling bulbs, wash sheets-the worst, pull all weeds from all places before they grow over home.

Not as bad with this song on loop: Easy, The Commodores-1977! Sooo good, Lionel Richie.

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